Statistical Physics is one of the core subjects like Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory. However, the subject of Statistical Physics is introduced to the budding Physicists at a little senior level. For example, in some universities it is studied in B. Sc. 3rd year, and in some other universities it is introduced in the M. Sc. Level. On the other hand, for the future generation researchers in Physics, the importance of having the knowledge of Statistical Physics is truly immense. This is because the the tools of Statistical Physics provides the gateway to tackle the many body problems in Physics in particular, and in science in general .
Recently, it has been felt by the organizers of the present school that though in our country, multiple events in the level of international and national conferences take place quite often in different disciplines of Physics, only few schools / workshops are organized for the young level Physicists, and even fewer of them are held in Statistical Physics. It has been therefore decided that organizing a school on Statistical Physics may be a good idea to attract students and motivate them with the highly interesting and challenging problems of Statistical Physics. This knowledge will not only help them in studying Statistical Physics, but also in other disciplines of Physics and natural Sciences.
The present year 2018 is being celebrated as the 125 th birth anniversary year of Professor Satyendra Nath Bose. Prof. Bose was a world famous scientist, well known primarily for his “Bose Statistics”. It is therefore felt that organizing a national level school for the young Physicists of the country would be the best way to celebrate the birth anniversary of Prof. S. N. Bose .