About the Conference

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together young and motivated researchers working in the exotic field of materials science, to discuss its recent trends on experimental and computational aspects. The rapid progress of both experimental, theoretical methods and simulation techniques have made this field a site of intense activities. We plan to have in our speaker list both physicists and chemists. We also expect participation of senior PhD students and post-doctoral fellows working in the field from different Universities and Institutes of India, in and around Kolkata. .

Topics included

  1. Electronic structure of complex materials
  2. Strongly correlated electron system
  3. Electronic structure at nano-scale
  4. All-atom simulations of complex chemical and biological systems
  5. Transport through narrow channels and tortuous path
  6. Dynamics of colloids and related systems

Students and post-docs are encouraged to apply by writing to pcmce14@boson.bose.res.in

  • Registration fee for students Rs. 1000/- (to be paid at the conference)
  • No registration fee for invited speakers
  • Last date of applications : January 30, 2014 closed

  • S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Block-JD, Salt Lake-III, Kolkata-98