S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences

Under Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

Department of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

  • Prof. Anjan Barman and his group have developed ferromagnetic nanodot lattices as two dimensional magnonic crystals
  • Research Highlights - Prof. Tanusri Saha Dasgupta and her group.
  • Research Highlights - Dr. Thirupathaiah Setti and his group.
  • Research Highlights - Prof. Manoranjan Kumar and his group.
  • The research group of Dr. Chowdhury fabricated a solution-processed mesoporous hybrid materials-based memristive devices that mimic the biological synapses, replicate Morse Code, and successfully emulate Pavlov’s Dog experiment. Ref. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2025, 35, 2412804. (doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202412804).
  • In this work, Dr. Nitesh Kumar and collaborators have discussed the well known intercalated van der Waals ferromagnet Cr5Te8 crystallize in a non-centrosymmetric space group, contrary to the earlier belief. This results in the observation Néel-type skyrmions and topological Hall effect. Ref. Chemistry of Materials (2024) doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c02996
  • Dr. Barun Ghosh and collaborators propose how ground state quantum geometry of a magnetic topological insulator can be probed using optics. Ref: Science Advances, 10, ado1761 (2024).
  • In this work, Dr. Saquib Shamim and collaborators have investigated the response of two-dimensional topological insulators in high perpendicular magnetic fields. While band structure calculations suggest that the inversion of Landau levels, due to which the quantum spin Hall effect was observed in the first place, is destroyed at a critical magnetic field leading to a trivial insulator with a band gap. However, experimentally we observe the absence of a trivial insulating gap in finite-size 2D topological insulators based on HgTe quantum wells. Instead, we observe that the topological edge channel (from the quantum spin Hall effect) coexists with a quantum Hall edge channel at magnetic fields at which the transition from topological to trivial insulator is expected to occur. This happens due to a suitable potential landscape created by the charge puddles. Devices fabricated using a wet-etch process, where there are lesser charge puddles show the expected transition from topological to a trivial insulating state.
  • Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee and collaborators have recently demonstrated the existence of a strong zero mode in a non-integrable model (which has been an outstanding open question in the literature) via local periodic driving. This leads to extremely slow decoherence of the edge qubit of a nonintegrable chain of interacting qubits. Phys. Rev. B 109, 064303 (2024).
  • In this work, Dr. Jiban Kangsabanik and collaborators implemented an inexpensive approximation to calculate phonon-assisted optical absorption, enabling accurate high-throughput screening of semiconductors for photovoltaics, irrespective of their band gap type. In their study of experimentally known 1693 binary compounds they find promising ones, some of which are already known and some were unknown until now. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 43, 19872–19883 (2022).
  • Prof. Priya Mahadevan and her group have shown that orbital ordering can be a route to high polarization multiferroics (Ref: PRL 111, 077601 (2013))
  • Prof. Anjan Barman and his group have developed ferromagnetic nanodot lattices as two dimensional magnonic crystals
  • Research Highlights - Prof. Tanusri Saha Dasgupta and her group.

The area of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics uses tools from various disciplines which include physics, chemistry, engineering and even biology to understand the behaviour of materials at various lengthscales as a function of various parameters.

The members of the department work in a wide range of areas and the phenomena being explored include

  • Crystal Engineering
  • Magnetism
  • Multiferroics
  • Optical Properties
  • Physics at low dimension/Nano-science
  • Superconductivity
  • Thermal Properties
  • Transport

The category of materials that are being studied include quantum dots, metal oxides, metal-organic frameworks, shape memory alloys, organic conductors etc.

The slideshow given above provide a glimpse of the research going on in the department.