This document details how you can secure your computer, accounts, and the data stored on them and contains more technical security precautions that you should know, and that IT Pros should implement.
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Practice the principle of least privilege. Do not log into a computer with administrator rights unless you must do so to perform specific tasks. Running your computer as an administrator (or as a Power User in Windows) leaves your computer vulnerable to security risks and exploits. Simply visiting an unfamiliar Internet site with these high-privilege accounts can cause extreme damage to your computer, such as reformatting your hard drive, deleting all your files, and creating a new user account with administrative access. When you do need to perform tasks as an administrator, always follow secure procedures.
Use a secure, supported operating system; Keep your software updated by applying the latest service packs and patches. Refer to your operating system's help for assistance.
The best way to maintain third-party software is to install the Secunia Personal Software Inspector. This will alert you when your current software applications are out of date or require a security update.
Back up your data frequently. This protects your data in the event of an operating system crash, hardware failure, or virus attack. CSC recommends saving files in multiple places using two different forms of media OncourseResources, or USB, flash drive)
Obtain public domain software from reputable sources, and then check the newly downloaded software thoroughly, using reputable virus detection software on a locked disk, for signs of infection before copying it to a hard disk.
Before you choose to download and use these types of programs, make sure you are not violating copyright or other applicable laws. Downloading or distributing whole copies of copyrighted material for personal use or entertainment without explicit permission from the copyright owner is against the law.
CSC also recommends disabling Remote Desktop (RDP) and Remote Assistance, unless you require these features. If you do, enable the remote connections when needed, and disable them when you're finished. Note that you only need to enable RDP on the computer you intend to connect to; disabling RDP on the computer you're connecting from will not prevent you from making a connection to another computer.
At CSC, sensitive information should be handled (i.e., collected, manipulated, stored, or shared) according to legal and Centre functional requirements related to the specific use involved, as well as data and security policies of the Centre .