S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences

Under Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

"The official Facebook page of S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences has been attacked. We urge our followers to be careful of the posts that appear on the page starting from 27/01/2025 midnight. We are working to resolve this issue ASAP and will publicly notify once we get the access back. We regret this inconvenience."


Theoretical Physics Seminar Circuit


Category A Speakers

  • Graduate students, Post Doctoral Fellows and Junior Faculty members (less than two years in service) should be regarded as Category -A speaker.
  • The desiring candidates need to fill the application form for Category-A speaker and submit the scanned version of the filled up form via email to to get enrolled in the Cat-A speaker’s list.
  • The validity of the registration as Category-A speaker will be valid for one year from the date of application. The candidate can apply again after the expiry of the previous registration.
  • The Indian Post Doctoral Fellows working abroad may avail this facility for academic visit in India. The home-station in India will be taken as the starting point of the visit. However, the candidate must visit at least two TPSC centres in one trip.
  • For extended stay at one centre, the DA should be Rs 650/- per day - for first five days and Rs 450/- per day - for subsequent days max. upto one month.
  • The TA will be guided as per the old rules of TPSC (http://boson.bose.res.in/~tpsc/files/programme.htm)

Category B Speakers

  • For extended stay at one centre, the DA should be Rs 1000/- per day for the first five days and Rs 700/- per day for the subsequent days maximum upto one month.
  • Any Faculty Member outside the Category-A if invited by a participating centre, can be treated as Category - B.
  • The TA will be guided as per the old rules of TPSC (http://boson.bose.res.in/~tpsc/files/programme.htm)