- It should be held at a place which is not a TPSC centre.
- It will cater to Ist year Ph.D. students and M.Sc. students.
- The duration will be four (4) days.
- There will be 4 faculty members, 2 will be from the local area or from the nearby
areas and the other two can be from distant centres (but from same geographical
- There should be at least 30 participating students, of which at least 15 should be
from outside the host institution.
- Selection of the participating students should be done by the local Convener.
Budget per TRS
- Travel for 4 faculty members :Rs 30,000.- (max.)
- Travel for 15 outstation students:Rs 20,000.- (3-Tier APHEP)
- Boarding & Lodging for all:Rs 30,000.-
- Honorarium for the speakers: Rs 10,000.-
- Contingency etc. Rs 10,000.-
Total Rs 1,00,000.-
- Suggested no. of TRS per year: 4 (four)
Suggested venues for TRS
NEHU Shillong / Tezpur / Silchar / NBU Siliguri;
Sambalpur / Berhampur /;
ISM Dhanbad / Science College, Patna / Magadh Univ;
Jaipur / Udaipur (M.S. Sukhadia Univ) / Kurukshetra / Jammu Univ / Pilani;
Raipur / Jabbalpur / Indore / Baroda / Bhopal / Gwalior;
Mysore / Waltair / Tirupati / Mangalore / Coimbatore / Goa;
Kohlapur / Solapur / Nagpur
Burdwan / Durgapur.